Outrageous Suzie Q

 Meet Suzie Q

WARNING! Suzie Q is not for everyone. She is a breed unto her own. She says inappropriate things and does NOT care who she offends. I suggest you read a paragraph or two. If you want to venture on... then by all means DO... if not... well... OK. That's your choice.

I’m a woman of a certain age. I have the advantage of the experience of my accumulated years. People in my age range will probably understand what I’m writing about. All you whipper-snappers may think I’m offensive and inappropriate. Guess what? I don’t give a flying fuck if you think I’m crazy rude. I say what I think. I am who I am and I don’t try to be anyone or anything different.

Let’s clear up this “offensive” and “inappropriate” thing right off the bat. What the hell has happened to our society? I was brought up in a time when I was not even allowed to say the word “pregnant.” If I even thought about in-ter-course or how a girl becomes pregnant, I would risk getting my brain washed out with soap. That is, if that were possible. When I was young, I was absolutely sure my father could figure out some way to get that soup into my skull and clean up all those impure thoughts. Young ladies just didn’t think about stuff like that… or so my parents said. Somehow, I knew instinctively that being a lady would not be as much fun as the alternative.

Those of us who grew up in that era pushed forward to create an atmosphere where sex and all things related to sex became open to the world. People kissed and maybe even fondled in public. Being intimate with your partner was not a subject that must be hidden away as though it were an act worthy of hanging. We put up with the sideways glances and frowns from the older generation. We swam against the moral tide and ended up on a less restrictive beach. Now it seems all that defiance was for nothing.

I saw a television talk show that was discussing the “new boundaries” of today’s society. Oh my goodness! What in the world? They were saying that we all must learn these new boundaries. It is no longer acceptable for a man to make a pass at a woman or vice versa. It seems that one sex cannot compliment the other on anything regarding physical appearance, the clothes they have chosen, or body language. It now takes a disclaimer and release form signed by both parties before one can tell the other “Hey… I’m interested in you and would like to get to know you so we can eventually perform coitus in a private place.” That’s just sad.

There was once a time when I could walk up to a good-looking guy and just say… “Wanna get it on?” He could either accept or reject. Neither would fear that a law suit or public humiliation would follow. Oh sure, there was the possibility of pregnancy or a nasty little disease, but that was only if you were not careful. The thought of keeping count of how many men I had ka-noodled with never was on my radar. It was a time of free-love and experience of all the pleasures that era had to offer. It may have been the pendulum swinging in the opposite extreme. I’m OK with that.

Now, in our current time frame, I’m left with “What the Fuck?” (You’ll will find that Suzy Q has a lot of “what the fuck” moments.) It appears that our society has taken a giant step backwards towards puritanism. The pendulum may have swung so far back in the opposite direction that it has flown right off the meter. Dating and the process of finding Mr. or Ms Right is going to take a much longer route and be far more boring. Ho-Hummm

I’m glad I’m unmarried. And at my age and considering this post, I’m going to be unmarried for the rest of my life. But I doubt if it will be because I’m basically an inappropriate person -- which I firmly acknowledge that I am. It will be because there are so many men and so little time and I am not going to digress to the current level of social politeness.

Suzy Q says – make love not war and have a fuckin’ good time doing it.

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