Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Surviving the Chaos is Now Available!


Surviving the Chaos
Caregiving the Caregiver

It's time to take care of yourself. Sometimes we forget that we are even a part of the human race. I often feel that my life, needs, desires are not elements to be considered. The alcoholic is the only person that matters.

NO MORE! I am important. My life does matter. I'm not willing to give up my health or dreams to make sure that someone else is protected. The most important person to take care of in my life is ME.

Surviving the Chaos explains how to take the leap from being simply a caregiver to being a caregiver to myself first. Learn about physical, mental, financial health, time management and how to discover who you really are and what you want. Through worksheets and explanations, this book is a one-of-a-kind must have for anyone who is caregiving an alcoholic or simply has one in their life.

To order now:

or go to and see all the books written by me and available for sale. Go to and search for "Linda Bartee Doyne."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Picking this up as a little prize for myself. Thank you Linda!! Keep up the great work!