It's Alive!
It’s a miracle! I resurrected this blog! I stuck a jumper cable to it and I think it’s starting to show signs of life. Actually, a lot of you have been coming back, checking in, e-mailing me, and perhaps, re-reading some of my posts. Thank you for that.
Although this blog is STILL the Immortal Alcoholic, there
will be some changes to update the style and a few other things. I hope you
will like the fresh approach and continue to support me by reading and
I’ll still be accepting guest bloggers while expanding the
subject range. Tell me about what you do or what you would like to do for fun
and entertainment. Do you have a favorite movie, book, food, restaurant? Tell
me about it. Let’s see if we can open up some topics/subjects that will invite
some dialog. But let’s stay away from the political mumble jumble that has most
of us in a tizzy these days. We all have an opinion and we all think we are
right. There’s no need to re-hash what’s been hashed to pieces.
A brief update on Linda – me! I’m in the sunny state of
Florida and am happier than a frog on a lily pad in the middle of a pond in the
deep south. I’m living proof that there is life AND happiness when the chaos
settles and peace is allowed in the house.
I know you are all curious – YES! I’m about two years into a
relationship with a man who cares more about me than he does about what’s in
his drinking glass. Imagine that! He worries about me and holds the car door
open for me. He allows me the – no—he encourages me to be the best of whatever
it is I want to be. Believe me, that can change hourly. He accepts me as I am.
There are no conditions to his caring. He just does. I didn’t know that men
like him existed. If he exists, there must be others out there.
Employment is still on my plate. Although, I now work as an
independent contractor rather than an employee. Currently I’m writing a
procedure manual for the company. I love this job, the people I work for and
the sense of usefulness I get when I’m able to make a difference.
Temporarily Dead is a mystery novel that has been in my
computer for quite some time now. It has now graduated to being on my desktop
and available for editing and re-writing. It will be out to the public in
November. I may, from time to time, post snippets of the story on this blog.
This will give you an opportunity to decide if you might like to buy the book
and read it from cover to cover.
There will be re-writings of The Immortal Alcoholic’s Wife
and several of my other books. Watch for those announcements here.
Look to this blog for a variety of information designed to
provide support for all of those who have been, or is currently, collaterally
damaged by alcoholism. While most of what I provide is relevant to any
addiction, my main focus is on alcoholism.
Please leave your comments, especially the ones telling me
what YOU would like to see on this site.
Till next time!